Metal Detecting in Boonville Indiana

Metal Detecting in Boonville Indiana utilizing the Minelab Equinox 800 metal detector. Treasure hunting parks, ball fields, public areas and local permissions. I have enjoyed metal detecting in Boonville Indiana for 58 days now. I started metal detecting using the Equinox 800 on February 22nd, 2021.

Where is Boonville, Indiana?
Boonville, Indiana is located in southern Indiana. WAY down near the tip of the boot near Evansville. Our little town is SO beautiful this time of year. The trees are blooming including the Pear trees, Dogwood trees, Red Bud trees and more. Our town bursts into color and let’s us know that spring is in the air and warmer temperatures are sure to follow!

Places to Metal Detect?
So where in Boonville, Indiana can you legally detect? I went down to our local police department and spoke with Officer Brown and he acknowledged that detecting in areas like public parks, public ball fields, medians between the sidewalk and road, and other public areas are legal to detect without a permit or permission.
Places I have been metal detecting.
So far, I have been detecting 2 major public areas in Boonville, Indiana. I have been detecting at Boonville Jr. Baseball Fields and the local high school (after receiving permission). These 2 areas have produced incredible results! I am noticing that few, if any, people have ever detected these areas. The reason I say that is because these public places have been providing amazing finds and relics. Each location has given up their treasures includes tons of clad coins, multiple rings and jewelry, silver Mercury dimes, dog tags and so much more!
The Treasure
I have found over $75 in clad coins, 8 rings, several pieces of jewelry including a “Bee Best” pendant, a BFF engraved bracelet, an Old Navy token, a very interesting piece with the scripture “Be strong and courageous” Joshua 1:9. One day I dug up a Polish Grosz right near the front door of the school. I was confused and curious about this coin and where it may have come from originally. That same day, I dug 2 Buffalo nickels too! I found a really cute tiny little sandal with tiny stones and a Gattis pizza token also. Gattis Pizza closed in our location back in 2020 after Covid restrictions forced many businesses to close. They tore that down and built a Burger King there instead. I miss Gatti’s!
Below is a gallery of some of the great things I have found at these 2 locations.
Can you be hired to find a lost item?
Indeed I can! Have you lost something valuable?